Cloud Data Center

Flexible configuration
Virtual servers of any capacity (CPU, RAM, HDD, etc.). Convenient cloud management system. Distribute the resources at your discretion.
High reliability
Clustered cloud architecture. SLA 99.982%. TIER-III and TIER-IV certified data centers. Equipment of leading brands HP, IBM, NetApp, Cisco.
Extensive functionality
Internal network 20 Gbit/s, backup, VPN channels, Snapshots, DDoS protection, etc.

Cloud technologies

Cloud Data Center or Cloud DC is a relatively modern term that refers to a set of computing resources leased (IaaS) in order to accommodate one’s infrastructure in a computing cloud. What you get is an isolated private cloud of any desired configuration with a flexible management system and powerful functionality.
Cloud DC allows you to replace outdated or increase resources to your current server hardware by adding flexibility and manageability to it. In other words, you are getting a virtual data center with unlimited resources, which are available at your disposal anytime.
Main features of a Cloud Data Center:
  • Flexibility and manageability of calculating resources;
  • High reliability and redundancy of the cloud by its design;
  • Complete isolation and security of the virtual infrastructure;
  • Wide functionality and ability to implement even the most sophisticated systems.
Microsoft Cloud Platform – one of the most modern and advanced cloud systems on the IaaS market. Microsoft is a distinctive leader in a broad range of cloud technologies, strengthening its position every year. Reliability and wide functionality of the cloud allows creating both small and simple clouds, as well as large and complex cluster architectures that can withstand even the highest loads. This presents the users flexibility and opportunity to scale their needs in every direction.
Cloud platform from Microsoft includes a virtualization system (supervisor) Hyper-V, System Center management system and Azure cloud technologies.
Together, these technologies lets the user:
  • Create/delete/change configuration of the virtual machines in the cloud;
  • Turn on/off/reboot virtual machines;
  • Configure and distribute the network;
  • Create backups and snaphots;
  • Connect to virtual machine’s console;
  • Template and scripting the creating of virtual machines.

Cloud Data Center advantages

Flexible configuration of virtual machines
Fail proof cloud based on clusters
100% guarantee for allocated resources
Wide selection of OS
Windows Server 2022
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Ubuntu Server 22.04
Ubuntu Server 20.04
Ubuntu Server 18.04
CentOS 9 Stream
CentOS 8 Stream
CentOS 7
Debian 12
Debian 11
Debian 10
Oracle Linux 9
Oracle Linux 8
Oracle Linux 7
AlmaLinux 9
AlmaLinux 8
Rocky Linux 9
Rocky Linux 8
Complete isolation
Self-management of allocated resources
Cloud Data Center is universal and can be used for solving various tasks and problems. Mostly used areas include:
  • Web. Cloud is perfect for hosting web sites, internet portals and other online services. Resources flexibility is the key criteria, as it allows optimizing costs based on the required load.
  • Accounting (1С) in the cloud. Everyday more and more users migrate their accounting in Cloud Data Center, as it provides convenient and secure access from anywhere, and reliability is significantly higher when compared to other solutions.
  • Part of the internal infrastructure. Cloud Data Center is perfect when used in addition to existing hardware, and allows expanding resources and migrating part of the dynamic, temporary or backup infrastructure in the cloud. Main criteria here is high reliability and flexibility of the allocated resources.
  • Virtual workplace (DaaS). Creating virtual workspace allows users to have secure and easy access to a company’s systems from anywhere, while maintaining required supervision of their actions.
  • Temporary projects. В случае Should you require resources for a given period of time, it makes more sense to lease them in the cloud, as you can cancel them at any moment. Clouds are also great for seasonal loads or temporary “specials”.


Modern cloud platform
Microsoft Cloud Platform
Virtualization system
Enterprise-class server hardware
Redundant storage
NetApp and IBM
Redundant network
SLA (UpTime)
Cluster infrastructure
Our servers are located in most modern and reliable TIER III and TIER IV data centers, which lets us guarantee the highest SLA on the market.


We provide Microsoft Virtual Machine Manager that helps you manage your cloud. This system has a powerful functionality and allows you to perform many functions.
Creation and deletion of virtual machines
Changing virtual machine configuration
Turn on/off/reboot virtual machines
Configure and distribute the network
Creating snapshots
Connect to virtual machine’s console
Virtual machines cloning
Template and scripting the creating of virtual machines
Additionally you can order virtual servers backing up in the cloud. In this case, we will do backups on separate hardware. Virtual machines will be copied every night without any interruption of the service. Storage period is 7 days.
You can also get a control panel setup on your virtual server. Hestia Control Panel – free of charge, ISPmanager 6 – 270 rubles monthly.


In addition to our Cloud Data Center service, we can also supply you with any licenses you may require.
Microsoft Windows Server Standard
Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Services (1 user)
12.43 $/mo
Microsoft Office Standard (1 user)
24.08 $/mo
Microsoft Office Professional Plus (1 user)
32.92 $/mo
Microsoft SQL Server WEB (2 Core)
15.95 $/mo
Microsoft SQL Server Standard (2 Core)
255.37 $/mo
Microsoft SQL Server Enterprise (2 Core)
979.18 $/mo
Microsoft Exchange Server Standard (1 user)
3.70 $/mo
Microsoft Exchange Server Standard + Outlook (1 user)
6.39 $/mo
Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise (1 user)
5.98 $/mo
Microsoft Exchange Server Enterprise + Outlook (1 user)
8.60 $/mo
Microsoft SharePoint Server Standard (1 user)
5.14 $/mo
Microsoft SharePoint Server Enterprise (1 user)
4.18 $/mo
Hestia Control Panel
ISPmanager 6 Lite (10 domains)
3.23 $/mo
ISPmanager 6 Pro (50 domains)
6.45 $/mo
ISPmanager 6 Host (any number of domains)
9.68 $/mo
ISPmanager 6 Business (any number of domains)
12.91 $/mo

Our clients:
