

Which FTP client do you recommend using?

We recommend using the FileZilla.

How do I create an FTP account in the hosting control panel?

  1. Go to the Hosting section.
  2. In the upper-right corner, click on the server.
  3. ISPmanager opens in the next tab.
  4. In the ISP-manager, click Create, fill out the following form and click OK.

What is an FTP client?

An FTP client is a program that allows using FTP access to administer a site, i.e. upload files to the server, edit and update the site.

What data is needed when setting up an FTP connection?

Login, password and server address were sent to you in an email when ordering hosting services.

How to recover a lost FTP password?

The main FTP account uses the same username and password as for access to the hosting control panel.

Passwords for additional FTP accounts can be changed in the control panel.

Go to the FTP accounts section, select the desired account and click Edit.

Fill in the Password and Confirmation fields.